Radhus till salu i Torrox

Property ID: SOLGTCSE-102




This house will stimulate your imagination. A very charming house, originally built as a stable in the 1940s and later rebuilt over the years into an inspiring corner house with two large terraces. Recently updated to maintain modern standards, a list of the latest can be found at the bottom of the text. You will almost get lost inside the house with its winding walkways and rooms. 93m2 in total.

There are two back doors leading up to the two terraces, one down through the kitchen and the other on the first floor through a bedroom. From the terraces you have a fantastic view of the “Pueblo” and the sea. Sun is available from morning to evening! There is also parking outside as well as a parking garage with free spaces near the house.

There is enough space to make friends and family visit with a total of four bedrooms, a bathroom on the second floor and a shower and kitchen on the first floor.



  • Privat terrass

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