Tomt till salu i Santa Cristina d'Aro

Property ID: CBF-CBF4824


152 €/m2


South facing plot in Bell Lloc Plot of land for sale in the wonderful residential development of Bell Lloch, just a 5 minute drive to the pretty town of Santa Cristina d'Aro, and a further 7 minute drive to the popular coastal towns of Sant Feliu and Platja d'Aro. Costa Brava Fincas can offer a full property development service for any client wishing to build their dream home. The quaint town of Santa Cristina d'Aro is a beautiful Catalan pueblo located just 3 kms to the coastal town of St. Feliu and 5 kms to the popular beach resort of Platja d'Aro. Santa Cristina provides a serene terrain with vast forests of pine, oak and cork trees. For the best land for sale in the Costa Brava contact Costa Brava Fincas.



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  • shanty-house-village-1
    Nära till stan

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